Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Nursery News ~ 11th February 2021

Happy Thursday (let me see those tongues)!

We have done it!  We have survived another half term and so we are now officially half way through the year – gosh.

Our Families topic came to an end today as the Mrs Large ears went back into the dressing up box.  Next half term we are learning all about Spring and Easter and staff have already started talking about big bird outfits to fit an adult!  In Maths we have been learning all about the word “subitising”.  Subitise is the ability to look at a small number of objects (up to five) and instantly recognise how many there are without the need to count.  Or as we have learnt it -  “see it, say it”.  You once again blew me away with your ability to see and say numbers up to 3 (4 and 5 for some of you) through subitising.  We even had a go at matching the correct number for those of us who can read numbers up to five.  Our dough disco “We Will Rock You” has introduced us to the start of our Music topic next term – Rhythm, as you have started to copy the rhythm pattern of ta-ta-tee.  Play this clip over half term https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tJYN-eG1zk to show your families – can they copy the pattern?  Our Nursery Rhyme has been about the family of two dicky birds called Peter and Paul and we had fun as we tried to match up friends with the same initial sounds – can you remember who flew away with Connie, Maisie, Parker?  Our Phonics topic of Body Sounds came to an end today as we had fun being noisy neighbours and we learnt the final song for our Write Dance “Down at the Station”.  After half term we will be repeating the songs but adding in the writing part – Writing and Dancing who thought this could work?  You will soon find out!

We have to admit the weather got the better of us this week with the temperatures dropping to below zero.  We have still visited outdoors twice a day but I will admit we haven’t been out for long – when children start to complain about cold toes and fingers even with double socks and fleece gloves on, we know we need to give in.  The short time we did make outdoors didn’t stop us from exploring though as Mrs Allen had you all moving with ribbons on the patio to the Ugly Bug Ball this afternoon.  You have also had a chance to practise your hammering and screwing skills as the tool skills have started developing.  Sadly the gully has been shut due to the amount of ice blocked in there but it didn’t stop you from finding your own ice around Forest School – in the buckets, pans and even around some of the wooden blocks.  Roll on Spring!

A message for parents – with two special days coming up, please could I request a separate photograph of mummy and daddy be emailed in to me?  In the past, I have edited the family photograph with a little cropping but some of the family photographs would mean a mummy with half a head or sunglasses on.  We want your best photos on display – make them good ones.  Please could these be sent to me over half term by Friday 19th February.

Have a lovely half term everyone – keep practising that subitising - what numbers can you “see and say” during half term without the need for counting.

Mrs Mander and the Nursery Team X

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