SMSC at Blackwell, including Values education

blackwell first school bromsgrove 3SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development) - At Blackwell, this permeates all areas of the school curriculum and supports the holistic development of the children. Here are some examples of how we support this area of development:

SOCIAL : Job scheme; Behaviour policy; Afternoon clubs (cross age); Collective worship on Universal Values, including values held as British values; collaborative work with other schools and co-operative curriculum work

MORAL : Behaviour policy; Charity work and sponsorship; Job scheme and Collective worship on universal values

SPIRITUAL : Forest school; Collective worship on universal values; well developed curriculum; Philosophy for Children (P4C); school pets (Billy and Fluff the Guinea Pigs and Hetty our dog); Yoga and Mindfulness extra curricular for most children and spiritual educational visits (such as Egyptian gallery at the British Museum and Birmingham Library as well as places of worship for all major religions developing respect for all religions)

CULTURAL : Well developed curriculum; collaborative work with other local schools; educational visits (such as Birmingham MAC and REP and Stratford Royal Shakespeare Theatre)

   ...what stands out is how caring the whole school is... (Parent comment) (child) loves seeing and visiting Hetty in school. We think she adds to the calm atmosphere promoted by school... (Parent comment)