Red Class Friday Fanfare 19.04.24


Hello Red Class Families,

The children have made a great start to the term and have been finding out lots about Africa and our focus country of Ghana. We’ve been working hard on doubles and halves, singing ‘Chip the Chopper’ every day. Use one hand as the log and one hand as the axe and then say ‘10’ and hopefully they will call back 5! Wake and Shake has also been a big hit with Shakira echoing down the corridor. 

PE was fun in the wind. Not only were the children set the challenge of kicking and dribbling a football, they had fun controlling it in the wind! We’ve also linked PE and Maths, this week, as we’ve been using positional language. We’ve been inside, in front, behind, to the side and even under hoops, bean bags and crates. As well as positional language, we’ve been recapping odd and even numbers to 10.

Not only have there been changes in the classroom, but we’ve also had some changes at home with the homework book! Here are some top tips for homework:

  • The topic homework is completely optional. However, it does prepare the children for Year 1 and I know lots of the children are very excited about completing their first piece of homework.
  • Homework certificates are presented each Friday. Please return homework books by Thursday. I like to give Reception children a little longer.
  • As topic homework is optional in Reception, you can choose any of the homework options. When we move into Year 1, it becomes a little more formal and we need to stick to the ‘choose an option from each column rule’.
  • Please keep reading! If you read daily (or as often as possible), it makes a big impact on progress.

I’ve been really impressed with the children’s transition into Afternoon Clubs. They’ve risen to the challenge of working with older children and new grown ups. Thank you to Miss Kuriger for leading clubs and preparing the children so well and for Mrs Hipkiss’s hard work in the Forest.

Thank you for coming to see me at parent consultations. It was lovely to share the children’s achievements and their next steps. Reports were sent home earlier this week in a brown envelope. Lots of their targets have already been achieved. This is particularly relevant to their Phonics targets as we rehearse our phonemes every day.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend,

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class XXX