Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

2nd February 2024

Forest School Activity


With our new topic of Special Places, you have enjoyed creating a special school for all of the soft toy animals in Forest School.  Making sure they all had a seat in the classroom and who was going to be the teacher was great to watch.

Write Dance

(Gross Motor)

Row the Boat

Making marks was fun this week as the shaving foam came out of the can.  A little water on the table and a ball of foam in your hand made for some very interesting pattern work as we created vertical lines whilst we rowed our hands forwards and backwards.

Rhyme Time

Incy Wincy Spider

We enjoyed singing this rhyme slow, fast, loud and quiet and have begun to combine two – fast and quiet is the trickiest!  We continued to listen to words in the rhyme that sound the same and this week introduced the “say it silly” card as we changed the initial sound of every word in the rhyme e.g. sincy sincy spider, simbed sup se sater spout.


The goat sound /g/

The box was jam packed full of all sorts this week.  We had fun with the glue as we managed to glue lots of the objects together! Telling fun stories through “things” with the same sound will help us make the links between these objects and ensure we can hear that first sound. Thank you Mrs Gregg and Mrs Grice for keeping some order in the box! 


Where is the Sound?

As our confidence increases term by term through our nursery year, remembering the times to stay quiet becomes more tricky for us.  A game where we have to stay quiet throughout as we try and find the sound (speaker) in the cabin was fun!


Counting games

Saying our number names to ten and beyond is one skill we usually all leave Nursery being able to do.  Saying our number names backwards from ten is a little more challenging.  This week we enjoyed playing numeral games in a circle and with a friend as we took it turns to say the next number in the pattern.

Communication and Language

First Day at Bug School, Sam Lloyd

This week, was have been talking about “Special” places and in particular, the place we meet to play and learn every day – Blackwell First School.  Mrs Allen has been sharing this book about a special bug school and Mrs Mander has been taking you on an afternoon walk to spot special things about our own school – can you remember what we spotted?

Dough Disco

(Fine Motor)

Get Back up Again, Poppy

This week it was Isla’s choice as we pinched, folded and splatted the dough to a fun tune from the film Trolls.  We talked a little about the film and the other characters but sadly no flag – even Mrs Mander couldn’t find a flag for this one!

A message for parents – next week we will be talking about another special place – our home.  Thank you for all your “home” photos.  The children are enjoyed spotting theirs and naming their new next-door neighbour!  There is still space for a few more homes for those that haven’t sent them across yet.   

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X