Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

26th April 2024

Forest School Activity


You have been revisiting an old song from our early nursery days – “Johnny Hammers” with Mrs Allen.  She enjoyed teaching you how to use the tool the hammer as you have been hammering nails into a block of wood.  It is always lovely to see you take your learning into your play and explore time as you used your own hammer (stick) to repair the fences in Forest School.

Rhyme Time

Twinkle Twinkle

Hearing rhyming pairs and creating a third is becoming hilarious.  We are all enjoying coming up with the silliest rhyming “non-words”.  We are now beginning to enjoy putting these silly words back into the rhyme e.g. twinkle twinkle little mar. 


The flamingo sound /f/

Freya and Francesca were over the moon to be in the sound box this week! We started the week with very few items but thanks to your help (your sound knowledge has come so far!), you helped to gather a collection by the end of the week.  We couldn’t believe it today when the fairy had poured flour into the whole box – lots of floury fingertips!


Spring Bingo

We have had to use all four of our listening rules as we played team Spring Bingo.  We talked about the photos on the Spring bingo board and then enjoyed covering them up with a counter.  The challenge was when Mrs Mander didn’t have her glasses on and couldn’t read the words!  Was it knees, cheese or bees on the board….?


One more

Shaker/Ten Frame Maker

As you joined from Forest School, you have revisited your ‘one more skills’ by showing one more on your fingers and linking your learning by rolling two dice and seeing (not counting!), one more.  Once we were all settled in, we have been learning about the rules of the game of snooker!  One friend has been shaking the red/yellow counter, whilst a friend has been showing this number in marks and on a ten frame! 1=red, 2=yellow.  We are starting to see a ten frame is just two five frames neighbours.

Communication and Language

The Very Busy Spider, Eric Carle

Mrs Allen has been sharing a story all about a spider who loves to weave.  You have enjoyed singing spider related songs and creating your own wool web.  It was great to see some of you chalking webs on the patio.

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

Thank you Lottie!  It has taken the grownups back to their school disco days as we all danced to Holiday, Madonna - what a song!!  We made sure we had “disco ready” hair and passed that disco ball from hand to hand.  We talked about the artist Madonna and the country she comes from.  Only a few more friends to choose and then we head in to our disco medley in the final half term!

Gross Motor (pm)

Climb, Balance and Jump

During our trim trail time, we have been practising our climbing on, balancing across and jumping off the equipment.  Miss Veillet has been working on helping you step up safely and how to use your arms to keep your balance as you step across.  The two feet jump doesn’t seem to need any work at all! 

A message for parents – it won’t be long before the warm sun joins us.  Some of you are coming in in your sun caps already - brilliant.  Can you ensure the children have one ready and are wearing them on arrival for those sunny warm days!  We really do spend a lot of time outdoors during this final term.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X