Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Nursery News ~ 13th November 2020

Hello My Little Bears!

I was so proud of you this morning as we sat through our first whole school assembly.  We joined Red class in their room and enjoyed seeing Mrs Moss on the big TV screen.  How good were the Rainbow project dances that every class has created for the DVD – my personal favourite was (not surprisingly) the Nursery entry as we dough discoed our way through You are my Sunshine.  Next week we are going to have a professional photographer film us doing the same dance ready for the Rainbow Project DVD that grown-ups can buy.  J

This week we have started our new topic “Tell me a Bear story” – Miss Muddy Boots’ favourite topic.  She taught us her actions to Teddy Bear Teddy Bear and she even enjoyed climbing and jumping with our Write Dance tune of “Bear went over the Mountain”.  During our Phonics session we have been copying tapping rhythms with two sticks and had the opportunity to explore the cabin to find out which tapping sounds could be made by tapping objects around us.  Our new listening rule is A Good Listener is Staying Quiet.  The children chosen for a turn had to sit blindfolded in the middle of our oval (NOT circle) as we passed around Mrs Franklin’s noisy keys.  The last person had to hide them in their lap and our friend in the middle had to guess who had them.  These games will only work if we all keep our lips together and you have improved so much since September during circle times.  In Maths we have been showing arrangements of four with our song “Can you make”.  Can you find four objects this weekend and show your family the arrangement of numicon four, ten frame four and random four? Our Communication and Language (C&L) sessions after lunch have been a favourite of mine this week thanks to Mrs Moss.  She wrapped up a present for us and gave us a task for when we opened it.  The story Goldilocks and the Three Bears was the surprise story and Mrs Moss had coloured in some of the words pink; words that she wanted us to explore more.  These words were: knock, hungry, tired and taste.  We talked about how and why we feel hungry, what makes us tired and had a chance to show what the word knock means.  Next week, it is all about the word taste as we are going to be Goldilocks and taste some hot, cold and “just right” porridge!  Please support us by using these words at home.

We took some of our Maths learning outdoors with the weather being so nice and talked all things circles.  We had fun exploring the Forest School for all the circles we could find and today, took the opportunity to stand on a spot, bend our knees and draw a large circle around all of our body.  Following Maths training on Reasoning from our Maths co-ordinator Miss Townsend, we all stepped away from the circles and spotted the Odd One Out.  Which ones were not a circle and why? Your vocabulary using the word straight, oval, lines, curved is really coming on.  Mrs Allen has been sharing one of her favourite stories with you We are going on a Bear Hunt in the story area.  You enjoyed meeting all the soft toy animals from the story shed, the favourite being the brown bear.  You enjoyed hunting the paw prints that the bear had left around Forest School and you even made a cave using the crates and camo net for him to hide in.  The favourite task was when we actually went on a bear hunt this morning as you splashed, sploshed through the river (gully), squelched, squerched through the mud (mud kitchen) and stumble tripped your way through the trees!  In the afternoon, you have been continuing work on staying safe around the fire circle so we can have our first fire before Christmas.  You played a swapping game where you had to listen to the words and if it was you, you had to find a new log!

A message for the grownups from Mrs Bailey, please can you all check the renewal dates on your codes to ensure they are after 31st December.  If they are not after this date, the claim will not be able to be made for the Spring term and all hours will be payable for the whole term.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Mander and the Nursery Team X

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