Nursery News ~ 8th October 2021
Happy Friday! This week, we have begun our first season topic – Autumn. We have used the faces on our cupboards to spot and name the children whose birthday is in Autumn. Our Autumn babies are beginning to turn four already. I wonder if you can remember any faces on the Autumn cupboard? Our circle times and forest school are in full swing, here is a little taster of what we have been doing: Circle Time 1 – Our Write Dance has been the ‘Row the Boat’ song as we have been rowing and digging to the tune. We giggled when we made the largest boat ever around the outside of the cabin. Our Listening Game has been the “Kims Game” where you have been spotting which object is missing from a small group. This is a great skill for your brains and also for Staying Quiet (another listening rule) as you have shown you know the answer by touching your nose and not shouting out. We also began our reading journey during this session with our Phonics circle time. We start right at the beginning by listening to sounds in our environment, the cabin. We played sound lotto to match sounds to pictures. Take some time this weekend and find things that make a sound in your home – can your families recognise them if they cover their eyes? Circle Time 2 – Our Maths has been all about “number 2” following on from last week’s “number 1”. We have been looking at our blue Numicon two and collecting two objects the same for our blue hoop. The outdoor disco was a big hit where, when the music stopped, you paired into teams of two. Dancing in wellies isn’t easy so there were a few tumbles. We also “chalked and walked” the shape of number 1 and number 2 on the patio. Circle Time 3 – Our dough disco song this week was ‘The Excavator Song’, Charlie’s choice - We have been moving the dough to the music in different ways and keeping up with Mrs Mander! With our topic being Autumn we have been sharing the story ‘The Little Red Hen’ and talking about some of the tools used in the story – gardening fork, scythe, hoe, digging fork. We also enjoyed looking at the Autumn objects you have started bringing in. We have found out what spiky and smooth both feel like thanks to Mrs Allen’s conker. Forest School – Mrs Allen has taught you how you can create your first piece of artwork with a conker and some paint. We look forward to putting these in your Learning Journeys. These are a book all about you and your time in Nursery. During our Forest School time, we have also been on two Autumn walks. The first one was around the school grounds, practising following the leader wearing our bright yellow jackets. The second was over the road to the bigger Forest School. We have collected colourful leaves but we still need more! If you spot any multi-coloured (Bobby’s word) ones this weekend, please send them in for our Autumn table alongside any other Autumn things that may have fallen out of the tree! A message for parents – Expensive toys are starting to arrive with the children and as we do not have the space to store them safely, they could get lost/damaged. The children only require a small soft toy for Quiet Time that ideally fits in their bag on arrival. Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Miss Turner (am), Mrs Hampton (pm) X |