Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

13th January 2023

Many thanks to some of you for sending in those baby photos following the request on the Nursery Newsletter.  The children are really enjoying seeing this display come together – please keep them coming via the nursery@ email address so we have a full set ready for our lifecycle topic.

Forest School


Alongside all the puddle fun, you have enjoyed making pipe cleaner snowflakes to decorate the sand netting.  With our Year 4 nursery friends, you have also enjoyed weaving snowflakes with wool on a frame.



Following a successful computing week, we became robots as we controlled each other to move around the Forest school using the forward, backward, stop commands.  Have a go at home – do not forget to pop the batteries in.


Scissor skills

We began our scissor skill work this week as you amazed by creating your own snowflake with just a little snipping.  Did any of them look the same?

Communication and Language

One Snowy Night, Nick Butterworth

A favourite Winter story as Mrs Allen has been sharing the story of Percy the Park Keeper and his full bed of animals.  You had fun making a bed for the soft toys.

Dough Disco

Cotton-Eyed Joe, Rednex

After a Winter disco song from Frozen last week, Joshua chose this week.  We have been balling, pinching and spinning that dough to this catchy tune!

Write Dance

House of the Bears

We have been swaying, stirring and clawing to our song this week, practising our big arm movements.  We have had fun making lines and circles on some slippery tables.



Our Little Wandle Phonics journey has begun as we have been listening and making the sound /s/.  Finding out “What was in the Box?” was fun.  Can you remember any /s/ objects from the box?

Outdoor Game

Cups and Saucers

To begin the transition into the main school for lots of you, we have begun a daily playground game.  This week has been a team game of cups and saucers where you had to turn the cones over to make saucers when others were working against you.

A message for parents – the mark-making element of Write Dance has begun this term.  We begin with water and soap and move on to paint, chalk and flour.  Please ensure you send children in clothes that are OK to get a little dirty.

Have a lovely (wet) weekend everyone!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X