Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Red Class Friday Fanfare 26.01.24


Hello Red Class Families,

Today, Red Class turned into a cinema. We settled back to watch 'The Wind Blew' with our Nursery friends and a pot of popcorn. Next week, our topic changes to ‘What’s Special?’ We will focus on special places and take a little trip to St Catherine’s Church as a special place for Christians.  

We introduced the following tricky words in Phonics: my, by, all. Below, you will find our digraphs and trigraph from the week and their catchphrases.

ur – Curl the fur.

ow– Wow owl!

oi- Boing! Boing!

ear – Get near to hear.

Handwriting lessons focused on ‘g’, ‘q’, ‘s’ and ‘e’ using the cursive script. We will continue with ‘f’ on Monday as it follows the same pattern as ‘e’.

In Maths, we used the Part-Whole Model for addition using concrete apparatus. The children identified the parts e.g. 3 and 2 before combining them to find the whole. In Mental Maths, we continued to count in 1s and 2s and we used the 100-square to play ‘Guess my Number’. To play this game at home, click the following link for an interactive 100-square: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares Choose a number and then invite your child to ask questions e.g. Is it more than 10? Is it less than 20? Does it have 4 ones? Is it in the 2s? Keep splatting the incorrect squares until you’re left with the answer. This game supports mathematical vocabulary and recall of facts.

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) focused on ‘sad’ and how this emotion can look and feel. We used a painting of a sad clown to think about why he might be sad and then role-played ways to make him feel happier. We talked about how we have the power to help other people to feel happy by using kind words and actions.

Rolling was the name of the game in PE. Again, some very interesting work! We explored tuck and pencil rolls and recapped our travelling movements. Next week, we’re using the benches!

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx