Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622


12th July 2024

Forest School Activity

Teddy Bears

We have had a fun teddy bear themed this week as you have enjoyed dancing and singing with Mrs Allen on the patio to “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear”.  You also enjoyed exploring the picnic equipment as you set up picnics all over the outdoor area.  The highlight of the week was the Teddy Bear picnic at Burcot Grange – photos to follow….


Who am I?

We tried really hard to follow the listening rules this week with our listening game!  It was too tricky to stay quiet though as we had to listen to, name and copy the farm animals sounds.  Have a go this weekend and try not to laugh.  Guess the Farm Animal Noise Game | Animal Quiz (youtube.com)


The zebra sound, z

The sound box made one final visit before the summer as we enjoyed learning the last letter of the alphabet.  It didn’t have many objects in there but more book and movie characters – Zog, Zurg and Zazu.  We enjoyed making up some silly nonsense words too!

Communication and Language

Fergus the Farmyard Dog

A revisit this week from some familiar characters that we have met before in a summer story.  Can you remember which farm animals Fergus heard?  You enjoyed working out with your friends what the squeak sound could have been in the story.  Making predictions of what comes next is quite a story skill!

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

We enjoyed a disco medley as we let the music machine choose the disco songs this week.  We are always so impressed with how much you remember about the songs, artists and dough actions from the whole year.  Next week, you will all receive the playlist of the disco songs chosen for you to create your own playlist at home!

A message for parents – we still have some “school produce” olympic torches for sale.  If you would like to buy your child’s torch ready for the summer games, pop to the office with your £2.50 to collect. 

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

5th July 2024

Forest School Activity


As we joined Forest School, we all enjoyed a sing song at the fire circle with Old McDonald.  Mrs Allen then enjoyed creating a farm with you in the tuft tray on the patio – it was a very popular play choice this week.  Towards the end of the week, you enjoyed working together to make a crate tractor.


Battery Toys

We managed to fit in one more week of battery toy week, a very popular nursery circle time.  Exploring and talking about how technology works is our Computing target.  We enjoyed sharing our toys as part of a Show and Tell whilst our friends guessed how many of the three jobs the battery does.  Have a look around your home this weekend and find items with batteries and plugs. How many of the three jobs does each thing do?  Light up, move and/or make a sound?


Familiar Routes

We enjoyed some blindfold fun this week as we had to guide a friend around different parts of the school.  We took it in turns to get our friend from A to B with a guiding hand to begin and then our position with words only. Discussing routes and locations using words is one of our Maths targets!

Communication and Language

Let’s go to the Farm

A perfect story to begin our Food and Farming topic as you enjoyed learning all about life on a farm.  You enjoyed retelling the story with small world animals and looking at other information books about farms and farm life.

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

Our final song for the dough disco chosen by our Blue class friend Alice who comes to help us most days.  We enjoyed playing the role of the drummer, the singer and both guitarists from Blur with Song 2 as we banged the drums high and low with some VERY loud singing – WOO HOO!    



Our Learning Journeys are finally ready to be taken home and shared with your families.  Before they do, it is always an opportunity to share with your friends and adults first!  We enjoyed making sense of your life-story by talking about what has happened in the past.  Seeing your year in pictures and words is always special.  We hope you enjoy sharing in many years to come.

A message for parents – we look forward to seeing lots of you tomorrow at our Summer Fair.  Please come and find us on the “school produce” stall and bring along your £2.50 to collect your Olympic themed craft! 

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

28th June 2024

Forest School Activity

Throwing and Catching

We enjoyed a whole class ball game of throwing and catching.  You remembered the skills needed to make a good thrower and the hands you need to be a good catcher.  During your own Play and Explore time, the sand in the hot sun was very busy this week.


The yoyo sound, y

A few more weeks to go with a final few trickier sounds! This week it wasn’t so full of objects – more pictures.  We had a yell, yawn and you.  We also had some old and new characters that tested us all – Yoshi (from Mario), Yax (from Zootropolis) and a strange looking thing called Yoda.


Counting Around – Superhero style


We continued our playground circle time Maths fun this week with the count around backwards game of “zero zero superhero”.  We counted around the circle from 10 and whoever said zero became the superhero!  We then enjoyed huddling closer as we took it in turns to choose a numeral and read.  There were some noisy ghosts in the bucket though and if you pulled one, you shouted “boo” and chased and scared us all.

Communication and Language

Ladybug Girl at the Beach

A great story about life at the beach.  Ladybug girl and her dog Bingo had fun at the beach finding lots of different things to do – building in the sand, exploring pools, flying her kite.  Can you remember which was the final activity she enjoyed doing which she was nervous about?

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

Back to a classic choice from Hugo with ‘We will rock you’, by Queen.  We talked about the band Queen being from a long time ago – when Mrs Mander was a baby, Mrs Allen was a girl and Mrs Franklin was a teenager!  We enjoyed making a dough microphone to make our voices louder and squashing it flat for the guitar plectrum.    


Summer Fair Produce

We have added the final touches to the produce for our Summer Fair next weekend.  Come and find us on the teacher stall with your £2.50 next Saturday 6th and I promise, it will be money well spent with the fun you can have at home with this special torch.

A message for parents – due to a request from Isla and Lily, battery toy week will return next week for one final time.  Please send your little one in with a battery toy for them to share, play with their friends.  We will be talking about how the battery makes them light up, move and make sound as part of our Computing curriculum. 

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

21st June 2024

Forest School Activity

Clean Up

Mrs Allen has taken you to a different part of Forest School this week and you have worked hard at sprucing up the outdoor area!  The mud has been washed from the pots and pans, the sand toys have been swept down and the patio has had a much needed sweep!  I wonder how long it will stay this clean…..

Rhyme Time

Miss Polly

Our final rhyme of the year to learn and one you all knew!  We enjoyed finding the matching pair from three – head, bed, bag and suggesting silly rhymes.  We also played with words and switched in some French words – tete (head), veet (quick), knock knock (toc toc).


Who am I?

Our listening games now are all about applying all four listening rules and this is what we had to do for this game to work!  We took it in turns to turn our back to friends and listen to their voices saying “hello” and named them. It is always funny to find the voices that do not match without the face.


The wave sound, W

The sound box made a welcome return and we continued with our initial sound work.  We had quite a lot of food in the box this week – watermelon, Weetabix, waffles and our favourite, white chocolate (mmmm).  We did have to eat otherwise it would have been melted by the wicked witch!


Counting Around


We enjoyed some circle time Maths fun this week as we played the “I’m still standing” game, we call this the Elton John game.  We count around the circle up to 10 and whoever 10 lands on sits down.  We were all keen to be Elton and be sang to!  We then had fun checking the reading of our numerals as we made summer snowballs and enjoyed throwing and finding around the front playground. 

Communication and Language

Fergus the Sea dog

Mrs Allen has enjoyed sharing a summer story with you about Fergus and his trip to the seaside.  He enjoyed fun at the seaside and even a trip out on the sea!  You enjoyed creating a boat with small world toys.

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

Thank you Johan for one of the trickiest disco songs we have had to try and keep up with – Cha Cha Slide, Mr C.  Click on the link and they will teach you the actions.  Mr C The Slide Man - Cha-Cha Slide (Official Video) (youtube.com).  The song was excellent for testing our left and right knowledge.  


Summer Fair Produce

Mrs Franklin has been enjoying wrapping sticks with gold tape this week as you have been creating some Olympic produce for the summer fair on Saturday 6th July.  You are loving making it and will make a welcome addition to your home this summer….. 

A message for parents – the summer has finally arrived and the majority of our day will be outdoors.  We do not have spare sunhats so please ensure you send children in wearing one - the Forest School becomes a very limited place when you are only playing in the shade. 

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

14th June 2024

Forest School Activity

Sailing Boats

Mrs Allen has enjoyed teaching you all about knots this week as you have been tying string around sticks of the same size to create a raft for the fairies.  Developing these fine motor movements outdoors will improve your handwriting indoors next year.

Rhyme Time

Jack and Jill

A final push to hear and suggest those rhyming words with our last few rhymes now.  This week, it was a rhyme about a brother and sister called Jack and Jill – it was a new rhyme for lots of you.  We enjoyed finding rhyming words for both Jack and Jill – so many to choose from.


Staying Quiet(er)

As new friends continue to join and our confidence continues to increase, so does our noise level indoors.  Being able to stay quiet(er) and use an indoor voice is a key skill for school for next year.  We practised this with some quiet mornings – register, disco, introducing self.  We discovered that we have to use our eyes more to hear what people are saying.


In a Row

We revisited an old song this week – In a Row - and extended our learning.  We role played the song with small world characters and then enjoyed making teams of 7/8/9 and finding out what number we make when we add one more.  We have sound knowledge now of the two skills of “seeing number” and “counting number”.

Communication and Language

To the Beach

Miss Veillet enjoyed sharing this summer story about a little boy’s journey to the beach.  She enjoyed sequencing the vehicles he travelled in/on along the way, but the highlight was a Mary Poppins moment of jumping in to the picture to find out what you could see, hear and smell – what experiences you have all had of beaches.  The rockpool you created with her today was a highlight.

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

Neave chose this week’s dough disco and what a choice – Head and Heart by Joel Corry.  We have enjoyed creating heart balls and beating them on our chest.  We have talked about reasons why our heart would beat slow and fast – never too young for your Science curriculum.

Gross Motor (pm)

Throwing and Catching

Miss Veillet has enjoyed teaching you the skills of throwing and catching with bubbles and scarves.  She taught you how to use your body to throw high and the shape your hands should be in when catching.  Throwing and catching balls is a 3-4 year old skill even though it can be a tricky one! 

A message for parents – we sadly say goodbye to Miss Veillet today as she heads off to another school to complete her journey to becoming a teacher.  The children have enjoyed her calm, kind and caring way and we have enjoyed her ability to be in three places at once due to her age.  Trainee teachers are such a treat to have as they come with their own fresh ideas that children will always remember – they will never forget her volcano! Thank you!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

24th May 2024

Forest School Activity

Balancing quoits and throwing beanbags

We propose some new Olympic events this year.  A race down the track with a quoit balanced on your head.  If we can manage this as we travel up, across and over logs, I am sure professional athletes could manage it too.  Forget the shotput, they need to change it to the beanbag throw – I think we’d have some contenders.

Rhyme Time

Wheels on the Bus

The rhyming pairs were fun this week with a ticket and a cricket.  For some of us a final push to hear and suggest those rhyming words.  Miss Veillet had trouble with her words and you had to help her remember the name of the colours in her pencil case and fruit in her basket.  Was it a napple, a japple or something else?


Whose disco song is this?

As we come to the end of our dough disco time together with (almost) everyone having had their choice, we enjoyed a game with old tunes - a music quiz!  We had to Stay Quiet for 10 seconds to listen to the introduction and match to a friend’s face.



Miss Veillet has enjoyed teaching you all about patterns you can make with the resources outdoors.  You have enjoyed working in a team and on your own to create a simple ABAB pattern.  The challenge was to spot the mistake when your friend made one AND work out how to correct it.

Communication and Language

The Sports Day, Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen

A perfect story to match our Sports week.  A story of Sam and friends as they work their way through different Sports Day events.  I think we could write our own story with funny stories of our practice sessions on the school field – lane switching, shoes slipping off, tangled flames from our Olympic torches.

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

With it being a very special birthday today, Mrs Mander finally chose the disco song.  This “just so happened” to be the same as the one chosen for Wake and Shake across the school – Waka Waka, Shakira.  As our song matched, we joined the competition on Wednesday morning and guess what???  We won the trophy!!!

Gross Motor (pm)

Sponsored Mile and Sports Day

We finally managed our mile after a lot of laps of the playground.  We have everything crossed we raise the most money as a class!  All this running meant we were all ready for those races this afternoon – what a shame the rain meant we had to postpone.  We will be ready for Friday 7th June instead.

A message for parents – when we return after half term, we have a very special day on 16th June.  Please could you send in a photograph via email of Dad for our display board.  For those who were with us last year, we still have yours.  We will be having some fun with these after the break and creating some special cards to make Dad smile.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

17th May 2024

Forest School Activity


The mirrors made a return outdoors as you used them to look at your own face and have a go at creating these with salt dough.  You took it in turns to prepare with Mrs Allen and then manipulated to create some wonderful shapes. 

Rhyme Time

One Two Buckle my Shoes

We have been picking up sticks and laying them straight as we sung along to this tune!  Our morning rhyme time sessions are paying off as we hear lots of you creating your own rhyme in your own talk, songs.  Your new teacher in September will be blown away.


The volcano sound /v/

Miss Veillet taught her sound this week in phonics, the volcano sound.  There were some familiar sounds in the box (Velcro) and some unfamiliar smells (vicks and vinegar).  The highlight of the week has to be the use of her volcano model to create an actual real life one erupting in the Forest School on Thursday – wow!


Who is missing?

With Miss Veillet teaching small phonics groups, you had an opportunity to play the game from last week with Mrs Allen in the quiet area.  She took out our magnetic faces to help you spot who was hiding in your group.  Harris and Lachlan, wow – your looking skills in this game blew Mrs Allen away as you spotted every time!


1 more, 1 less

We took our learning outdoors with a twist on a maths game to match our lifecycles topic.  We enjoyed taking it in turns with a friend to move up and down our numeral line.  We now know the symbol for more and the symbol for less and used these to grow older and younger.  Did you enjoy being 1 or 6 more?

Communication and Language

When I grow up, Lennie Goodings and Jenny Jones

A lovely story to share to match our lifecycle topic perfectly.  Lenny has big plans for when he grows up and lots of ideas of what he would like to be.  This led to lots of conversations around what you would like to be when you grow up.     

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

Georgiana was so happy to choose her favourite disco song this week – Baby Shark.  We have worked hard to change our actions to work our fingers, wrists and arms with the dough. Next week, we take our routine ‘Wake and Shake’ into the whole school to share!

Gross Motor (pm)

Sponsored Run

You should all have received the sponsorship form for our whole school Golden Mile run this week.  With us having the littlest legs in school, we have start clocking up our distance already.  Every afternoon, we are running five laps of the playground.  28 laps = 1 mile.  We can do this!

A message for parents – a reminder that Sports Day is on Friday 24th May.  If your little one does not attend on this day, either send them in normal time and we will see you on the field at 2pm OR we will meet you on the field at 2pm and they can come and join us if they want to.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

10th May 2024

Forest School Activity


It was good to see a return of our speckled frog song as you joined from Forest School.  You have also enjoyed creating your own lifecycle with Miss Veillet.  However the highlight of the week has to be the warmer weather and keeping those waterproofs in the boot room as we enjoy some summer fun in the sun!

Rhyme Time

Ring O Roses

We have been adding actions to our rhyme this week as we have circled around and swam like fish.  We have worked hard to find a third rhyming word for our string – rose, nose and ……. anyone?


The jellyfish sound /j/

It’s a record – four friends in the sound box this week!  Can you remember who we found in there?  They had fun in there wobbling with the jelly and we all had fun eating it with our snack!  You laughed at the jester but the funniest must have been Mrs Mander trying to juggle like the jester!


Who is missing?

We took it in turns to play a game that uses all of our listening rules.  It was a two-player game with player 1 and player 2 both hiding behind the curtain.  Clues were given by all the rest of us as you took turns to work out who was missing.


Tally Time

You may have spotted our tally marks in the front playground as we started the week creating tally 5 stepping stones.  Once we picked up the pattern, we enjoyed tallying the vehicles that passed the school – luckily Blackwell is a quiet place during the day.  We did make it tally 10 eventually!

Communication and Language

Hungry Harry, Joanne Partis

This week Mrs Allen has been sharing a story about a hungry frog who was told by his mum to go and hunt down his own food.  He met some minibeasts on his journey but was quite unlucky when it came to actually eating them!  Can you remember what he found to eat at the end of the story?     

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

Adelenna’s choice of King of my Castle has had us talking about the difference between a DJ and a singer.  We learnt that a DJ makes the music and this was the part we enjoyed moving to the most this week!

Gross Motor (pm)

Sports Day

As we prepare for our Sports Day in a few weeks, we headed over to the field to find the long-lined track.  From our Maths session last week, we learnt about start and finish and we found these as we walked out our tracks.  A little more work on staying in lines and not switching lanes and we’ve got this!

A message for parents – we will be having our nursery class photograph on Monday 20th May.  If your little one does not attend on a Monday and you would like them to be a part of the photo, please send them in at normal time and collect at 11.30am or 12.00pm. 

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X